Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Blog 13: Conflict and Peace/War Journalism in Asia

*In this week, we focused on media in international conflicts. Related with this topic, I learned about Peace Journalism , which would help to avoid media conflicts. Through reading, I recognized how Peace Journalism helps the less-conflict in the international media. Of course, I don't mean to that Peace Journalism is everything that avoids conflicts between countries, but at least it helps a lot for right judgement, not to slant in one side. I think the power of domestic TV is still huge. Now has a lot of ways of getting information. Especially internet and SNS include a lot of people or organization's opinion and view points, so it seems the information is expanded more than before and selected media is of course. However, I want to say that there are still people who get information only from TV news or radio, which are relatively expanded more than internet. Internet and SNS are really active selecting of media, so we should know that there are also passive audiences. If we focus on these people, the War Journalism on TV or News papers is really dangerous, which leads to misunderstanding and conflicts so easily. During the discussion, I was thinking about the conflicts and Peace Journalism in Asia, so in this blog, I want to show some aspects of these.

-Thinking about Peace or War Journalism, in my sense the number of War Journalism is more than Peace Journalism. As one element for War Journalism, zero-sum game was picked up in our discussion, and reflecting my media experiences, zero-sum game is everywhere. "War or Peace Journalism? Asian Newspaper Coverage of Conflicts" did the survey that is based on a content analysis of 1,338 newspaper stories from 10 English-Language daily newspapers from the 5 Asian countries involved in the 4 regional conflicts: India, Pakistan, The Philippines, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. Of the 1,338 stories, 1,018(76.1%)were "hard" news stories; 134(10.0%)were features; 121(9.0%)were opinion pieces including editorials; and 65(4.9%) were others that included letters to editor and speech transcripts. Only a small number of stories-137(10.2%)- were produced by foreign wire services such as AP, CNN, BBC, Reuters, and AFP. That  the majority(1,201 or 89.8%) were produced by local sources was unsurprisingly given the conflicts' local nature. As it says, the majority of news included War Journalism aspect and there is no ending of conflicts between these countries.

-Now, shift eyes just a little bit to East. Japan and South Korea has a huge conflict called DOKDO(Korean name)/TAKESHIMA island(Japanese name) problem, which both countries claim that island as their sovereign territory.  According to FAR EAST PEACE? JAPAN, KOREA MEDIA CONFLICT & DOKDO/TAKESHIMA ISLANDS, each countries always tell a story from own country side. In other words, both countries insist that my country is right and another is wrong, which is definitely leading a zero-sum game or War Journalism. There are a lot of things that is not covered by Japan or South Korea to justify themselves. This shows perfect example that news creates some slanted perception to the people. War Journalism is so dangerous, but actually everywhere in the world.
-There are a lot of causes of many amounts of War Journalism, and in the discussion, we came up with the idea that zero-sum game is so simple that people can understand easily, that's why it happens. In addition that, I think that Media Free also leads such a journalism. Of course, because of Media Free, people can tell and know many kinds of information, but at the same time Media Free means easiness to be controlled by journalists, media persons, or even country itself. Everyone likes own country, hope own happiness, and believe their justice. If they were said that Media is free, and they can say anything they want, they definitely would claim that my country is justice and right. According to Conflict, Terrorism and media in Asia, in the freer media in the region, the origins of this failure, or deliberate bias, are also a result of deficiencies in media practice. In particular, reporters often fail to question and assess the material that they receive from official sources.(P120) It indicates that Media Free's weak point and one of causes of War Journalism, I guess.
-In sum up, present international media world is still filled with War journalism. But it is also true that Peace Journalism exists and many people are trying to construct it. Only some decades ago, our world had actual war everywhere, and now it is occurred in the media world. Now is just a beginning, it should be taking a time for Peace Journalism to be expanded everywhere, such as actual Peace. However, Globalization would help this Peace Journalism movement, because it means cooperate between countries. At least I believe it and hope, after some decades, Peace Journalism will be of course in the world.

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