Wednesday, January 21, 2015

blog 2: Media System In Japan

* I chose East Asia for my presentation and also selected Japan as particular nation in East Asia.
This is why I am from there and want to introduce how interesting the my country is, of course, but also I also want to know about my country's realty of media, which is my most interesting business world. So in this Blog2 also I searched about media system in Japan.

-Basic Information of JAPAN-

-This is the nation's flag and shape(shape is showed instead of A on this pic)

-This is the world map used worldwide, which the center of map  is where the prime standard meridian is. This is because Japan is called the Far East Place or East Asia.

-Instead of upside worldwide map, we are using this map. If you come to Japan, you would see this map everywhere. This map shows kind of selfcountry-centerd view of the world, which there is all over the world and Japan is not exception. 

-Capital: Tokyo
-National Language: Japanese
-Population: 126,659,683( Japanese: 98.3 Korean: 0.5 Chinese: 0.4 Others: 0.6)
-Religion: Shintoism: 83.9 Buddhism: 71.4 Christianity: 2 Other: 7.8

-Analysis throughout 3 dimensions of 7 about Comparison of Media System-

1. Government System( a little about political culture)

= part of Democratic politic system and Polarized culture

-The Japanese Government, a constitutional monarchy, is based on parliamentary cabinet system.
-Executive power is vested in the cabinet, which is constructed by prime minister and other 17 department 
- the system is showed by image below

-As you can see, people has an ultimate  power and also power is divided by a lot of branches. Under this constitution, the separation of powers- legislative, administrable, and judicial power- is related. The Japanese principle of  constitutionalism is based on the sovereignty of the people, fundamental human rights, and  pacifism. Under the constitution and principle of democracy, the freedom of media  is fully guaranteed.

-Democracy is big feature of Japan. Citizens are guaranteed free speech at usual points so we can enjoy no censorship mass media. It means we can get any information about all over the world, if there would be some censorship from government, we cannot do like that way anymore. I think too much censorship prevents people from great creation or new thought about world. Democracy is necessary for developing, I think.

2. Media culture

= Japan is part of concurring countries

-Japan is composed by 47 prefecture that are the largest administrative units of the Japanese local government. This administration system is directly associated with the current Japanese mass media system such as TV and radio broadcasting system, local newspaper system, and the distribution system of media industries. 

-One more big feature of media culture is the Tokyo, which is capital of Japan, -centered system. Tokyo is not only the center of economy or political but also culture one. The Japanese mass media has a distinct form of central and peripheral structure, that is, Tokyo and other region. Despite of deference of medium, traditionally, informations are transmitted from Tokyo to local area. 

-Japanese mass media is changed rapidly, like big economic waves after WWⅡ or bubble economy. So there are a lot of problems related to Media, such as Media education, the public nature of Media, and Media literacy. The key point, it is said, is how to educate young generations.

-In my opinion, it is good idea to be a capital-centered media culture. Now is the time that everyone can get a lot of information from media and if there are some difference between regions, it's gona be big problem at some point. For example, about Political election, TV broadcast should be equal to every diet, in order to that, they should be equal about way of broadcasting. In Japan, Tokyo is centered and when nationwide things happen, capital can control every parts of Japan, it means we can see same thing everywhere. I think this is one of good points of capital-centered system.

3. Media Orientation

= I cannot mention every forms of mass media because Blog is not like a paper. So this time, I choose the TV's media orientation, which is said that Japan has tendency of Commercial oriented.

-Japanese TV broadcasting includes dual system: Public broadcaster and commercial broadcaster 

-NHK( Japan Broadcasting Corporation): this is the only example of Public Broadcasting, which derives its revenue from the reception fee. And also this is the first company broadcasting TV in Japan in 1953.  NHK is endowed with a special status under the broadcast law enacted in 1950. It avoids any political interference and market competition by financing itself from the reception fee paid by each households that owns TV set. 

-NTV( Nihon Television Network): this is the first Commercial broadcaster company, which followed   to NHK so this is first one as Commercial oriented, also in 1953. 

-There are 127 commercial broadcasting TV stations in Japan until 2004. Each station belongs to one of the five nationwide news networks that focus on five key station in Tokyo. They broadcast programs from Tokyo or local original. The five key stations are called: NNN, NTV, JNN, TBS, and FNN. 

- As you can see, Japanese TV broadcasting system is constructed by one Public broadcast and five commercial broadcasts. In my opinion, People are usually enjoying commercial broadcasts' programs as their joyful and using Public one as the tool of getting serious information or education. So I think Dual system is really succeeded in this country.  


 I am searching about Japanese mass media through 3 dimensions about media system, and then I know the key point are Freedom of speech and structured system. The big difference about media system between countries is whether there is limitation or not. If people can show their opinion freely, everyone has some chances to change the nation's thought. But it is also true that free speech is fear about government, this is because Chinese government is strict about censorship. So this is really important to keep balance of limit and freedom. I would say success of Japanese mass media is thanks to very organized media system. As I mentioned, there is capital-centered system and also TV broadcasting is also organized by capital. Center of country is supporting every parts, so we can enjoy mass media without anxiety.


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